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Fine wine market broader than ever in 2017


The fine wine market saw a greater variety of wines traded in 2017 than ever before, according to Liv-ex. More than 4,500 different wines traded from 769 individual brands, compared to just over 4,000 wines from 670 brands the year before. Overall, there’s been a 90% increase in the number of brands on Liv-ex since 2015.

The year also saw two significant milestones broken. Firstly, Bordeaux’s market share dropped below the yardstick 70% mark to 68.5%, while Burgundy’s yearly share of trade by value rose above 10% for the first time, up to 12.5% year-to-date, compared to 7.7% in 2016.

Italy held its position as third most traded region with 6.3%, Champagne remained in fourth at 6% while the Rest of the World grew its market share to 5%. The Rhone was the only region to dip, from 2% to 1.8%.

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