Mommessin   Clos de Tart

2004 Clos de Tart

By Mommessin

2004 Clos de Tart from Mommessin, Grand Cru, Burgundy, France

A jewel in the crown of Burgundy, the 2004 Clos de Tart from Mommessin epitomises the allure of a well-aged Grand Cru. Steeped in history, Clos de Tart's monopole vineyard - a rarity in the region - has remained intact since its establishment in the 12th century.


A Vintage Defined by Overcoming Adversity

The 2004 vintage was not without its challenges; a hallmark year where winemakers' deftness played an indispensable role in sculpting remarkable wines despite capricious weather.

Here, clients and investors should keenly note: it is these very vintages, often overlooked in favour of more heralded years, that astutely reveal a producer's mettle. For Mommessin, their consummate artistry ensured the 2004 Clos de Tart's triumph over nature's trials.


The Personality of the Wine

With age, the 2004 elucidates profound complexities. Its aromatic palette exudes mature dark cherry and autumnal forest floor - capturing Clos de Tart's quintessential earthiness. On the palate, there's a symphony of ripe raspberries and blackcurrants underscored by gently ebbing tannins and a cadence of minerality, distinctive to the region's terroir. The wine captures the initial lightness seen throughout 2004 Burgundies but evolves to reveal a surprising depth with time in the glass.

Though this vintage arrived shyly in its youth, it has blossomed now into elegance; firm structure fused with tender fruit notes creates an investment-worthy bottle with an enigmatic tale to tell.


Investment Potential and Pleasure Intersect

For connoisseurs and investors alike, the 2004 Clos de Tart from Mommessin provides an exceptional case study in patience rewarded. With each revisiting, it generously discloses new facets of its character, making it an asset for both cellar and portfolio.

In conclusion, let us toast to this creation; tangible proof that from underdog vintages emerge wines of extraordinary grace, ripe for discovery and deserving of a venerable spot on any investor’s horizon.

Market price (HKD)



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POP score


Vintage performance