Henschke   Hill of Grace

2016 Hill of Grace

By Henschke

2016 Hill of Grace by Henschke, Australia

Unveiling the narrative of the 2016 Hill of Grace from Henschke, one tends to marvel at the story behind each bottle. The name "Hill of Grace" paints an alluring tapestry of ancient soil and pure craftsmanship perfected by generations of the Henschke family in Eden Valley, Australia.


An Ensemble of Opportunity and Mastery

This wine's origin is befitting its celebrated status. The climatic delicacy of 2016 and a patchwork of red clay and ironstone soils have birthed a wine that is both vibrant and complex. The enlightened investor knows that sometimes elegance and grace are not merely metaphoric but can manifest in a bottle like the 2016 Hill of Grace.

Keeping true to the Australian vernacular, it is the Shiraz grape that we pay homage here. It's body, balance and potential longevity is nothing short of mesmerizing.


Drought-year Magic Verses Wine Investment

The drought adversity Australia faced in 2016 pressured many vine cultivators; but for those who prevailed the reward was small yet intensely flavoured yields. In essence: richness. So too does this vintage bring to our olfactory senses; deeply concentrated aromas of black fruit with a fitting cloak of earthy spiciness.

The genius does not end with your nose, however. This muscular wine parades itself upon consumption with sweet berry flavours, mingling with a victorious touch of cocoa and licorice. Traces of mineral acidity contribute an elegant symmetry to the wine and ensure its age-worthiness.

Framing all these enticing attributes against wine investment viability, the 2016 Hill of Grace from Henschke stands prominently. It is not just a spectacle of winemaking artistry but also a champion of investment resilience. Despite the climatic hurdles, or perhaps because of them, this vintage has emphasized its value proposition in any serious wine portfolio.

For the discerning wine investor, '2016 Hill of Grace' is a watchword for class, integrity, and longevity in the face of adversity. Entrusted with these virtues; the 2016 Hill of Grace from Henschke will certainly be their wealth-friendly confidant.

Market price (HKD)



Highest score


POP score


Vintage performance