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Robert Parker bills 2013 Californian vintage a ‘game-changer’


Posted in: Wine Investment

Tagged: Wine Making US Wines

Northern California’s 2013 vintage may be a “game-changer” in terms of the consistency, depth of quality and across-the-board excellence, according to critic Robert Parker.

In his recent vintage profile on northern California, Parker stated that “2013 may turn out to be the finest vintage I have experienced in tasting north coast varietals over the last 37 years”.

Parker adds that the 2012 was also a great vintage for nearly every varietal in the region, while 2014 “is certainly an excellent vintage, probably as good as a superlative vintage like 2005. Its only sin is that it happens to have followed two even greater vintages – the 2012 and 2013.”

In his report, Parker examines the growing and harvesting conditions for the 2012-2014 vintages, noting that while 2012 was a vintage of relatively abundant yields and an incredible growing season, 2013 was in fact a drought year, and yet it yielded large crop sizes  while the “consistency in quality, depth of flavour, texture, freshness, vibrancy and richness was absolutely mind-boggling”.

He added: “This could turn out to be one of the most epic and awesome vintages the north coast of California has ever produced.”


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