1995 Echezeaux
By Domaine de la Romanee-Conti
1995 Echezeaux from Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Burgundy, France
Far too often, the lyrics of the Siren's song that is the '95 Echezeaux from Domaine de la Romanee-Conti are left unsung amid the clamour for its more illustrious brethren. Yet, those au fait with the elaborate tapestry of Burgundy know that this vintage reverberates with an uncommon splendour – a composition of nature's serendipty and meticulous human craft.
A Vintage Speaks: The Soul of '95
The climatic odyssey of 1995 in Burgundy proved harmonious for the patient vignerons; a mild winter gave way to an unhurried spring, and summer's embrace was gentle. It was a year marked not by ferocity but by a seasoned ballet of sunshine and rain, eventually gifting us with grapes dappled in the hues of both resilience and ripeness.
The '95 Echezeaux resonates with a profile that is distinctly its own – autumnal exuberance captured in the bottle. Red and black fruits interlace with whispers of sweet spice, a preamble to earthier undertones that speak eloquently of its terroir. On the palate, a taut elegance prevails; dark cherries and ripe plum ensnare your senses before yielding to the subtle choreography of oak and minerality.
A Testament to Time: The Investment Perspective
In considering this wine as a cornerstone of astute investment, one must applaud its graceful maturation. The balance struck between acidity and tannins lends itself to an auspicious longevity. Connoisseurs seeking something beyond mere portfolio diversification will delight in the '95 Echezeaux – it is a wine that whispers of growth potential, steady appreciation, and ultimately, the promise of cellar-worthy legacy.
In sum, the 1995 Echezeaux stands as an exemplar testament both to the masterful artisanship at Domaine de la Romanee-Conti and to an exceptional vintage year that bestowed its unique gifts upon these cherished vines. To own a bottle is to grasp a fragment of vinous history – one that continues to unfurl its narrative with each passing year. Worthy of attention from collectors and hedonists alike, it remains one among a pantheon of wines destined for greatness.
Market price (USD)
Highest score
POP score
Scores and tasting notes
This wine is a gorgeously elegant, complex, feminine, highly-detailed and rich wine. I was surprised by how well it showed, and feel it can be drunk over the course of the next 10 years. Importer: Wilson-Daniels, St. Helena, CA; tel. (707) 963-9661.
Pierre Rovani - The Wine Advocate, 30 August 1998